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Maharishi Tower of Invincibility in Lebanon


On this auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya, the Day of Lasting Achievements, Raja Lucien Mansour the Raja of Lebanon, and Mrs. Gilda Ma the Mother of the Domain, sent a message to the TM Movement of Lebanon to start the project of constructing a Maharishi Tower of Invincibility in Lebanon.
  Dr. Omar Hamza, the National Director of Lebanon, announced the message of Raja Lucien and Mrs. Gilda Ma, You may listen to the audio message of Dr. Omar Hamza at the link:  
  A comprehensive study was made by Dr. Salim Haddad, and reviewed by Dr. Omar Hamza, on the construction of the Tower of Invincibility. This detailed 32 pages study may be reviewed at the following link:

  Invitation to put hands together

All the members of the TM movement in Lebanon are invited to participate in constructing the Maharishi Invincibility Tower of Lebanon The National Office of Lebanon is preparing a fund raising campaign. Announcement will be available soon on the website.
  Jai Guru Dev


First published on the Malakshmi Day on October 17, 2009

Last Modified on: Thursday, 13 September 2012